Nurturing a safer cyber-future for children & teens worldwide

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The iSafe project, launched by the CyberPeace Foundation and UNICEF, aims to address child protection issues in the online world. Children and young people are particularly vulnerable in the cyberspace, facing challenges such as the production and distribution of inappropriate explicit material (CSAM), bullying, online sexual harassment, and radicalization


It is crucial to educate and raise awareness among various professionals who are often indirectly involved in the well-being of children and youth, such as police officers responsible for investigations pertaining to children-and-youths’ safety. The project focuses on training personnel from frontline workers, law enforcement agencies, social welfare organisations, health departments, education departments, and the Department of Women and Child Line, who directly interact with vulnerable adolescents. The project aims to have a wide-scale impact and consistent implementation.

Drawing on the CyberPeace Foundation's expertise in collaboration, the project covers various topics such as: the roles and responsibilities of police personnel in responding to child victims, establishing a first response mechanism, accessing relevant resources and information for further sessions, sensitising children, and raising awareness of legal remedies. The initiative also consists of multiple online training workshops to discuss best practices for dealing with adolescent victims of cybercrimes. Training materials and audio-visual aids are also provided to enhance participants' understanding of the subject matter. The participants are provided with blockchain enabled e-certificates for completing the online sessions.

Indian States Engaged

Being a part of the Cyber Peace Foundation has been an incredibly enriching experience. Through this association, I've gained invaluable insights into teamwork, cyber awareness, and cyber training. The foundation's initiatives like iSafe, have helped me to create a safer cyber future for children. I'm truly grateful to the Cyber Peace Foundation for this opportunity and I look forward to contributing even more through future cyber awareness programs and collaborations.

Tamanna Agrawal
Aligarh Volunteer
Certificate IV in Cyber Security Monthly Intakes November 2023 to April 2024